Real women conquer men by conquering the ego, and true men conquer the world by conquering women. The book analyzes existing problems between men and women: why do men incline to lie, women always harp on; why men don’t want to divorce even in an extramarital affair while a woman will give up the marriage for true feeling; why do men pay much attention to outer part, women like to compare;
why do women is devoted to feeling to one man, while men want to change between different women; why women decide direction of love, men decide that of marriage… What are the different psychology and performance between men and women in love, family, marriage and what both men and women in real life are disgusted to hear the other say etc. The book gives corresponding feasible solutions and method to above problems. Through the in-depth discussion, We hope that readers can get inspired, and make the problems between simple, and husband-wife life more harmonious by reading effective life guidance in the book.